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Wednesday February 07, 2024

Truth and Trump: An Evening with Bob Woodward | TVO Today | 02/01/03| 1:18:43

Pretty good interview.
00:00 Intro
01:31 The Trump Tapes
02:09 Trump on Kim Jong-un and North Korean Missile Tests
03:04 Donald Trump's Thoughts on Being Interviewed by Bob W.
03:32 The Unedited Reality of the Trump Tapes
04:06 President Trump's Writing Process and Speech Deliveries
04:31 The Dynamic of Bob Woodward's Relationship with Trump
05:49 Why Trump Wants to Sue Bob Woodward
06:27 Trump's Lack of Understanding of Democracy and the Pres.
07:05 Donald Trump's Mishandling of the Coronavirus Crisis
07:23 Early Warning Signs of the Virus Threat
07:38 Trump Downplaying the Threat to Avoid Panic
08:03 The Top Secret Briefing and Warning of a Firestorm
09:01 President Trump's Lies, Cover-Up, and Concealment
09:26 Blowing off Dr. Anthony Fauci
10:00 Trump's Disregard for Expert Advice
10:29 Bob Woodward on Urging the President to Take Action
12:37 Detached from Reality, Obsessed with Re-election
14:45 Trump's Boasting
15:12 Trump's North Korean Strategy Based on Instinct
15:57 The CIA Says Kim Jong-un is Stupid
18:00 Humorous Moment in the Oval Office
18:37 Trump's Personality and Skills
19:13 Nixon's Failures and Trump
22:40 Nixon's Understanding of the Downfall of a Presidency
24:10 Nixon's Moment of Self-Realization and Consequence of Hate
24:45 Trump and the Ukraine Scandal
25:51 Donald Trump's Obsession with Hate
29:40 The Difference in the Republican Party Today
30:34 The Meeting with Nixon and Republican Leaders
32:05 Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy and the GOP
34:43 Trump Supporters in Midland Texas
35:45 Vice President Pence Says Nothing in the Oval Office
36:27 Trump's Impact on American Politics and Death the Old Order
37:54 Bob on Whether Donald Trump Can Win the 2024 Election
40:04 The Demon of Pomposity in American Society
41:25 Would Putin Invade Ukraine if Trump Were President Today
45:23 Time is Not on Ukraine's Side
45:48 The Threat of a Tactical Nuclear Weapon in Ukraine
49:32 Leadership Vacuum in the United States
54:51 The Darkest Moment of Theoretical Possibility
56:29 Biden's Efforts to Avoid World War III
58:36 Biden Tells Trump to Shut Up
01:02:30 The Role of Army Generals in Preventing Wars
01:06:22 Rising Far-Right Extremism
01:06:48 The Appeal of Trumpism to Working Class Voters
01:07:56 Trump's Sense of Being Wronged
01:13:48 Unsinkable Donald Trump
01:15:06 The Unparalleled Danger of Trump
The News
PBS NewsHour full episode, Feb. 5, 2024 | PBS NewsHour | 02/05/24 | 56:45
Jeremy Scahill on Israel's "Deliberate Propaganda Campaign" | DM | 02/07/24 | 17:00
Appeals court hits Trump with ruling he's been dreading | btc | 02/06/24 | 9:03
Did France Show Us How To Stop Cuts To Social Security? | Thom Hartmann | 02/07/24 | 4:13

07.02.2024. 10:32

Special Interest | Important stuff
GOOD Shorts Videos

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I'm still working on this

GOOD Short Videos
Lindsey Graham Mashups
Lindsey Graham

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said the quiet part aloud on why he’s still so close to former President Donald Trump: because we can use him for our goals. "President Trump has gotten people who wouldn't give me or Romney or anybody else the time of day. They believe he is on their side," the senator told the America First Agenda Summit crowd on Tuesday in Washington, D.C.

Or click here for a tablet or a small screen device
Trump's Mashups
Trump's Mashups

Donald Trump talks a lot, but what is he actually saying? VICE News' "Trump Talk" mashup series tries to answer that. And, we're happy to say, it was just nominated for two Webby Awards. Now you can watch all the nominated videos.

Or click here for a tablet or a small screen device
Trump's Sexcapades
Trump's Sexcapades.

Jessica Leeds (1980s)
Kristin Anderson (1990s)
E. Jean Carroll (1995 or 1996)
Lisa Boyne (1996)
Cathy Heller (1997)
Temple Taggart McDowell (1997)
Karena Virginia (1998)
Mindy McGillivray (2003)
Jennifer Murphy (2005)
Rachel Crooks (2005)
Natasha Stoynoff (2005)
Juliet Huddy (2005 or 2006)
Jessica Drake (2006)
Ninni Laaksonen (2006)
Cassandra Searles (2013)
Allegations of pageant dressing room visits(1997)
Mariah Billado,
Victoria Hughes,
and three other Miss Teen USA contestants
Bridget Sullivan (2000)
Tasha Dixon (2001)
Unnamed contestants (2001)
Samantha Holvey (2006)

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Trump's Speeches | Rallys |Interviews
Trump's Speeches | Rallys

Donald Trump talks a lot, but what is he actually saying? Watch Trump at some of his rallys and see what you think.

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